Whenever the windscreen in your vehicle is replaced it is recommended your Advanced Driver Assistance System or ADAS is calibrated. The replacement can cause small changes in the angle of a camera and this could be the difference between a car having an accident or not.
Correctly aligning cameras and sensors
Most ADAS features rely on a group of cameras or sensors to ensure the vehicle’s safety systems operate as intended. They are usually inside a car windscreen and when a glass replacement is carried out, its angle and position changes.
Our specialist ADAS calibration equipment correctly re-aligns the cameras and sensors of your car ensuring its ADAS system works as it should.
Without an ADAS calibration its features may not work as they should causing potential risk to you and others on the road.
At Direct Vehicle Glass, we can calibrate your ADAS at the same time as your windscreen replacement and this usually takes around two hours.
Qualified ADAS Technicians
Direct Vehicle Glass’ ADAS qualified technicians are highly trained to ensure your vehicle is calibrated to the Thatcham code of practice.
When we are happy the camera calibration has been successfully completed, we will provide you a certificate detailing the work, giving our customers peace-of-mind.